New Town exhibit explores San Juan Island’s Old Military Road
The Town of Friday Harbor is installing a new local history exhibit in the Sunshine Alley breezeway featuring the Old Military Road. The six-panel display
JOIN IN THE VISION to create a non-motorized multi-use trail from English Camp to American Camp. Celebrate and honor the historic Old Military Road by utilizing current trails, select conserved lands, lightly traveled roads and voluntary easements on private lands.
Video Transcript:
FULL TRANSCRIPT: Coast Salish peoples and their ancestors lived on these islands for millennia, sustainably hunting, fishing, cultivating, and collecting edible plants and berries, and living as one with their environment. More recently, after European arrival, a sheep run was cleared by the Hudson’s Bay Company and Coast Salish – the “Cowichan Road”. During the 12 years of joint military occupation of the island, which was known as the Pig War, British and American forces improved the route, creating the first major cross-island road.
This road was used extensively for communication and socialization between the opposing forces, helping to keep peace on the ground.
Later still, the road supported local trade and continuing non-indigenous settlement.
setting foot in this unique history,
exploring a new backbone trail across the island,
celebrating natural beauty,
a long, multi-cultural human presence,
and a unique natural history of this island in the Salish Sea.
tracing ancient land routes,
witnessing conservation, restoration, and stewardship in action,
and appreciating the peaceful dispute resolution between nations that occurred here over a century and a half ago.
a new connection with nature to share with family and friends,
for native flora and fauna viewing,
through forest reserves,
and all made possible by a grand coalition and a lasting spirit of cooperation.
a trail for multi-use recreation,
connecting conserved lands for hikers, trail runners, cyclists and horseback riders,
traversing Garry Oak prairie in the National Park,
providing education and recreation for youth and families.
and a glimpse at the invaluable role of native American women,
An opportunity to showcase island agriculture,
historic preservation,
and pastoral views
along lightly traveled roads.
a new opportunity for improved health and well-being,
enhanced safety for everyone along our island roads,
and the chance to leave a legacy for generations to come.
Our mission is to turn our shared vision into reality. The Old Military Road Trail Committee seeks to create a modern, multi-use trail wherever possible from English to American Camp to serve as a backbone trail down San Juan Island.
To do this, we must gain broad public support, voluntary trail easements on public and private lands and in-kind contributions of labor and materials.
As an official advisory committee of the Island Park and Recreation District, we will work with partner agencies, organizations and individuals who support this vision.
Creating this trail will commemorate and conserve our unique history and will highlight the beauty of the island. The trail will connect people to the land with a recreational legacy to enjoy now and for generations to come.
“Of all the paths you take in life,
make sure some of them are dirt.”
~ Anonymous
▪️ Informal concept of a modern Old Military Road Trail renewed-March, 2019
▪️ Organized as The Old Military Road Trail (OMRT) committee of Island Rec-June, 2019
▪️ Presentations to private and public organizations resulting in letters of support.
▪️ Participation with National Parks booth at the August San Juan County Fair.
▪️ Creation and distribution of OMRT Brochure
▪️ Awarded technical assistance grant from the Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) Program of the National Park Service, Fall 2019; grant renewed for another year in 2021
▪️ Completed OMRT Concept Proposal, Feb. 2021
▪️ Resumed Public Presentations to organizations “post” Covid, Fall 2021
▪️ With RTCA, completed ongoing OMRT Opinion Survey and refined Concept Proposal, Fall 2021
▪️ Introduced updated user friendly website, March 2022
▪️ Scheduling presentations to community groups and organizations to inform the public about the OMRT and receive feedback
▪️ Working with key partners to further develop the planned route
▪️ Working with RTCA in 2022 to further refine message and communicate with the public
▪️ Visible presence at community events on San Juan Island to engage with the public face-to-face as Covid restrictions recede in 2022 and beyond
▪️ Opening Segment 1 of the OMRT from American Camp Visitor Center to the Frazer Homestead Preserve soon
▪️ Continue working with key partners and the public to identify specific trail routes on other OMRT segments, and opening additional segments one-at-a-time when the necessary preparation is complete
The Town of Friday Harbor is installing a new local history exhibit in the Sunshine Alley breezeway featuring the Old Military Road. The six-panel display
A big shout out to all of you braving our winter cold or winds and getting out on our wonderful San Juan Island trails. We
Happy New Year to all OMRT supporters. One might think the busy season and often inclement weather makes hiking an unlikely activity, but for those
Questions? Comments? We would love to hear from you!
© 2022 by Old Military Road Trail Committee | A Committee of San Juan Park and Recreation District ( Island Rec )
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