A big shout out to all of you braving our winter cold or winds and getting out on our wonderful San Juan Island trails. We of the Old Military Road Trail team have been delighted with some good headway helping to create even more trails for you to enjoy, to get you off the roads and out exploring. Here’s our heads up!
The San Juan Historical Society is backing us as we apply for an OMRT signage grant with The Fund for People in Parks. The Fund for People in Parks projects focus on “enhancing the visitor’s access to, and enjoyment of, each park’s unique cultural, historic, and natural features.” The Old Military Road Trail being created on our historic and culturally rich island surely reflects these attributes as will the eventual OMRT signage at the National Historical Park’s American and English Camps.
Don’t forget to check out the Winter Trail Times trail guide for the Sandwith Orchard, just a short hop down from our English Camp Connector trail meandering through the Garry Oak prairie on the west-facing slope of Young Hill. The orchard abuts the Old Military Road spur of which you can still see remnants. Combining hiking with history and nature is a winning fit. Watching this ancient orchard come to life in Spring will be inspiring to anyone young or old.
Great news! On May 1, we are on track to open an Old Military Road Display in Sunshine Alley, next to the Palace Theater. Six photographic and informational panels will highlight island history, culture, the old military road and its contribution to peace and island settlement, plus a lead-in to the Old Military Road Trail. More on this event with a coming announcement!
It takes a community to knit together an island-long trail endeavor. We’d like to invite you to submit some high-quality photos for any of the trail’s 8 sections for our website. Our Gallery has the sections listed. Photos of folks and families enjoying the trail, nature and landscapes are all welcome. Please send photos to otterhead56@gmail.com for consideration. Thank you!
Finally, it is important to stress that the OMRT Committee of Island Rec works to connect the two Camps of the San Juan Island National Historical Park, American Camp and English Camp. That mission is different from the recently announced project of San Juan County to create a trail from Friday Harbor to the Zylstra Lake Preserve with federal funding. Although the two trails will meet at Zylstra Lake, the funding, management and goal of each project is entirely separate. People understandably tend to mix up the two projects, but the OMRT Committee wants its supporters and the public to understand this important distinction.
If one wishes to learn more about the Friday Harbor to Zylstra trail proposal, please click on link below for the press release of SJ County which includes a way to register on the county website for future updates and accurate information. SJ County Press Release: https://www.sanjuanco.com/civicalerts.aspx?AID=1332
Work with our supporters at San Juan Island Park and Recreation District (Island Rec), the San Juan County Conservation Land Bank, the San Juan Preservation Trust, the San Juan Historical Society and multiple organizations, businesses and volunteers is coalescing to move the vision of a 18-20 mile island backbone trail into fruition. Thank you for joining us and please spread the word. Our website is an easy one to pass on to your family and friends.
More news soon, but for now, look for emerging signs of Spring.
See you out on the trails!
Robin Donnelly for the Old Military Road Trail Committee
© 2022 by Old Military Road Trail Committee | A Committee of San Juan Park and Recreation District ( Island Rec )
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